My Photos

The Calling in Manchester

Here are some of my favourite photographs taken from The Calling's UK tour in July.  I have also included photos of the individual new members and the two warm acts, Zed and Katy Rose.  Enjoy!

Here is one of my favourite pictures, not only is the lighting perfect, Alex is actually singing one of my favourite songs, 'For You'.

This is a picture of one of the guitarists in Katy Rose's band.

This a picture of Alex singing 'Wherever You Will Go', in the corner we can see Arms, part of TC's new look band, playing on guitar.

Here we have beautiful picture of Alex singing 'Somebody Out There'

This a picture of Alex singing 'Could It Be Any Harder'

This is another great picture capturing the atomosphere, with Alex singing 'Our Lives'

This is another picture of Alex singing 'Our Lives'

Here is Alex singing the popular song of monogamy, 'Adrienne'

Another, not so clear picture of Alex singing 'Adrienne'

Here is a picture of Alex singing 'Unstoppable'.

Another picture of Alex singing 'Somebody Out There'.

Here we have another member of the new look TC, Chops, playing a guitar piece in 'For You'

This is Corey, another of the new look TC, he usually plays keyboard but the normal bassist, Vee had problems with his visa so for this tour he took over playing the bass guitar. In this photo, he is playing bass guitar to 'Unstoppable'.

Here is a picture of Katy Rose, one of the warm-up acts singing 'Overdrive'

This is Zed, playing and singing a song called 'Glorafilla'

This is a better picture of Corey, he is standing outside The Calling's tour bus


All Images on this page Copyright M.K.R.T. 2004. All Rights Reserved. If you would like to use any of these images for any reason, please contact me at