My TC Mad HomepageWelcome To My TC Mad Homepage

A Quick Overview

Hi, I am Katherine (CoreyMad to the lofters) and I am mad on The Calling (or TC as they are often refered to).   This website is devoted to The Calling because they are such an excellent band. 

There are many websites for The Calling on the web already but I feel that for their contribution to the music industry, I should do my upmost effort to create a website devoted to them.  I first started this website on the 2nd of May '04 and although it has been over three months, my website is still in the stages of being constructed.

The Message Board

Below is the link to the message board.

My Message Board

Site Updates

This site has been changing a lot recently so why not keep informed by requesting site updates, just send me an email with site updates as the subject, including your prefered nickname and a current email address via the link below.  Be the first to know about every change.

The Mailing List

Send me a quick email to the below address with the subject of Mailing List including a prefered nickname and your current email address and I will send you news on The Calling as I find out.  Even if you're not The Calling's biggest fan, you can join to keep up with the latest goss. 

Send me your mailing list or site updates applications


As you may already know, it helps to have some feedback on what people think of your website, so I would be very grateful if emailed me with your comments on if you like the website and what I could do to make it better, send them to me by the link below.  Hey, even send me emails if think my website is a waste of space and it deserves a painful death, it all helps.

Send me your comments

I've Claimed Corey Britz

I've Claimed Rikki Chan
