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April 10, 2002

Life is crazy. I say that a lot, but now I really mean it.

I'm sitting here in the eleventh country I've been to the last month. It's kind of wrong to say I've even traveled to some of these places because I never stopped working the whole time I was there. Everything I pick up about a place is through the people I meet and the car window I look out. I will admit that places are starting to blend together sometimes. I forget where I am. I wake up in the middle of the night completely disoriented with my surroundings, tripping over my luggage for the fifty-millionth time. I live out of three bags, granted they could each fit a whole person. That's not too bad for over a month and a half of travel. I just wish I didn't have to lug them around myself. I'm a little dude. It's not all glamorous and easy doing what we do. A lot goes into it and I don't think people get that when they see a band on MTV or something. The work load is unimaginable but the rewards are incomparable.

I think last time I left off in Australia, after the electrocution and Karaoke. I felt the most at home in Australia, especially Sydney. Did you know Australia was originally inhabited by criminals, that it was a place England would send their delinquents? You can kind of get that feeling from the locals. All the guys were like twice the size of me and all buff. I'm exaggerating, but that's O.K. The people there were the nicest and most intelligent we've encountered. Being an uneducated American, I was assuming there would be Koala's hanging from the lamp posts, kangaroos jumping down the city streets, and aborigines living in the parks. Surprisingly none of that, but the parks were over run with possums that were really aggressive. Aaron was telling me he took a nice walk through the park with his girlfriend at night and all of the sudden they were surrounded by creepy furry animals. There little eyes poking out up in the trees and hundreds of them. The possums chased them out of the park. I thought that was pretty funny. It was so beautiful there. The weather was great and I can't forget to mention Bondi beach. You should have seen the look on the band's faces when there were like hundreds of half naked women just lying around. They were like children in a candy store...but without any money. Billy and I got to check out the local zoo in Sydney which was cool. I'm a huge animal lover. Did I mention we ate kangaroo? I know that doesn't make sense but how often can you try that? It sucked. The shows went great in Australia and I can't wait to go back and see what kind of progress we've made. I recently heard our single is number one there!

The flight to Vienna, Austria was ridiculously too long. 22 hours of flying with a two hour layover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When we landed there the stewardess said over the loudspeaker "We'd like to welcome you to Malaysia, but if you're caught with any drugs on you, you will be killed immediately." Lovely. It's times like those I'm glad we're a drug free band. Anyway, Vienna definitely is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to. Like the other stops on the tour we had people from all of the surrounding countries such as Hungary interviewing us. The place we played there was the smallest and weirdest of the tour. I think it use to be a car garage because my mike stand was made out of an old tire rim and a pressure gage...what the hell? It was really funny cause my scrawny ass couldn't even lift it. Putting all aside, the show was still victorious.

We headed onward to Milan, Italy next. It was one whirlwind day completely packed with press and show though. We got there and drove to the main Cathedral area in the middle of town. Right when we got of the car, a plane came over head and crashed into a huge building. It was so unexpected. It just brought back horrible resemblance's to what our country went through recently. Although it was very unfortunate for the few people who died, I was relieved to hear it wasn't terrorist related or some commercial jet filled with lots of people. It was just so weird that we were there at that moment in time. Later on we went to some rock station and Aaron and I were pulling out all the Italian we knew. Most of it was really bad things though. The DJ was like "go ahead, it's O.K. to say that stuff here". She was eating her words after some of the things that came out of our mouths. We must have sounded like such creepy perverts on the radio. After driving around I was upset with how much graffiti I saw in Milan. On like every single historic building there was just mad amounts of graffiti. I don't get why people would do that.

Anyway, we finally made our way after a month of straight work to our weekend off. I've spent much of my life in Italy. My Dad and Mom grew up there and my family has a pad just outside of Rome that we've been going to my whole life. Aaron and I have traveled there a few times in all those years of not making a record bullshit. It was exciting to go there with the whole band and crew. We pretty much just sat on our asses, drank wine and ate pasta all day long. I was sad to leave but we had to get back to work in Amsterdam!

It's a strange thing to go from Malaysia where you'll be killed if found with drugs, to a place where they're all legal along with practically everything else. I must say I was bummed I never got a chance to see the red light district the whole time we were there. The rest of the boys did. I mean, I would just be window shopping of course. That's just not something you see everyday...even in Los Angeles. The promo show in Amsterdam was cool. We actually opened for a popular band there called "Kane". They were really cool guys, a good band too. You should check them out if you get a chance.

Germany was the next stop for The Calling. We knew going into it that the Germans were going to put us to work for those few days. We had more pictures taken of us there than in every other country combined. Our face hurt from smiling so much...come on Alex, give me a smile..just a little smile smile smiley...NO! AAAAAH! We did "Top of The Pops" which is a famous music show over there. It's mandatory to play to a track of your song at most of the shows in Europe. This is a screwed up thing for us musicians, to get into it if your not frikkin really playing it. At least I can really sing but that's it. Sean decided he would play this show to millions with his guitar strap set to like the highest setting so his guitar was right underneath his chin. It was really funny looking. Nate changed all his drums to lefty and made all the symbols on his drums like 10 feet high. He had black eyeliner on and a big fake tattoo on his forehead! He had to like reach and jump out of his seat to play the songs. And Aaron wore a skirt! I got to get a copy of that tape to go with the memories. Even funnier was the next day when we did another big music show and Sean debuted his "Viking look". He found this big creepy brown furry rug and taped it around his shoulders. I don't think he wore a shirt either which made it even more ridiculous.

Norway went really great. I'm running out of adjectives. I need to go back to school. Norway reminded me a lot of Canada. The people there were very accommodating. It was a little cold for us Hollywood sunshine boys.

Sweden was awesome. It's so beautiful with a charm that's hard to explain. I like their architecture and the way their furniture is so simple and straight. Aaron and I had this one interview for a kid's show and the interviewer brought us some Swedish foods. I love gummy candies, so when she busted out the licorice I was excited until I put it in my mouth. They're HEAVILY covered in the point it makes you gag. What's that all about? Anyway, that was a lovely treat compared to what we were given next. I was handed a blue toothpaste like tube with a picture of a friendly boy smiling on it eating a piece of toast. She said "we put this stuff on our eggs or just squirt it right in our mouths". So I just squeezed a little out and, oh my god...come on...I swear it smelled like a rotting fish that someone left in their sweaty shoe in the garbage that hasn't been taken out because it's full of your little brother's dirty diapers. It was "caviar" or fish eggs made into a paste. Don't get me wrong, I really loved Sweden, but that was sick and this is coming from a guy who's eaten tongue, raw liver, frogs legs, kangaroo and beef sushi in the last month and a half. The smell was so potent that I though I should carry a travel size toothpaste tube of the stuff in my "man purse" to let others smell it. I went up to our BMG local, Marcus, who despises fish and was like, "dude smell this beautiful thing". Because I'm a little shit, when he smelled it I pushed it onto his nose. He started dancing around the room gagging and like was all good fun though, honest.

Now looking back at the whole tour I can safely say our show in Sweden was the best. The fans there were fucking amazing and it was way too hot with lots of people drinking lots of booze...rock and roll. I was surprised to see so many of them singing along figuring the record had only been out a week. It was so frikkin hot that everyone else in the band took their shirts off except Nate thought he should just wear his underwear. When we switched instruments Nate put a banana in his boxers and stood front and center to shred on the guitar. It was a blast.

The following day we arrived in Denmark. It was a great feeling being greeted by all these female fans bearing gifts and flowers and cameras that want to take pictures of you even though you look like crap cause you've been on plane all day and haven't slept in 24 hours. A little Danish I learned "Jeg elsker danske piger"! That one's for the ladies. Wake up. O.k....proceeding on with the Danish. I had to eat a Danish pastry while I was there and it went down in the books as the best I've ever had. I mean it was no fish paste but... We played at a little club but it still was a kick ass show. Our dressing room was like three times the size as the club along the lines of the presidential suite at the Plaza. I got to play mini Bono cause the stage had a little cat walk that went out into the audience. At the closing song we all took turns walking down, it was fun.

London was our final stop or so we thought. I haven't had Starbucks in a month and a half so that was London's first gift to me. Honestly since every band I am obsessed with is from England I was the most nervous being there. I wanted to make the right impression. Of course this was a good time to get sick like I did, but I survived. Our show actually went damn good and the crowd was way more into it then I thought they'd be. I was really happy the way it turned out. I had been to London before when I was very young but this time I could really appreciate its beauty. We made our driver keep circling around the famous round about while we would say "look kids...Big Ben, Parliament..." over and over. I even got to see a really good play with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck. Before our last day Aaron got our make up lady to give him an afro for all the London TV press. His head is huge now. I started calling him Colt Forty Feinberg. On our last day we did this one long interview that wanted us to cook breakfast while answering questions. If you can't picture Aaron with a huge afro in a kitchen cooking very bad French toast with me as his're not alone. We put cocoa and cookies and multivitamins and chicken seasonings in our "eggy bread" and stunk up the whole building...wonderful fun it was!

So now we're in Italy for just an added few more days shooting a show for MTV in the states. We're appreciating life a lot more after the scariest plane flight I've ever had. We were coming in from London through some bad weather on a beat to shit plane I called the "dirty bird". Mid flight all hell broke loose and we were free falling so bad that I was completely raised out of my seat a few times. It's good to be alive and looking back on this tour I can say that with a smile across my face.

It's once again going to be nice to go home and rest a while knowing all the hard work we just did is really paying off. It's weird to think I've completely circled the world, traveled 25 thousand miles, visited 11 countries, and completely filled up my once virginized passport to maximum capacity in a month and a half.

Thank you everyone around the world for all your support, dedication to the band, coming to the shows and giving us love we could have only dreamt of. We'll be returning to you all shortly after we spent some quality time in our home and with our OG fans in America.

All of you who helped make the "Adrienne" video have such a great first week, rock on! I almost died when I heard it was #2 after only one day or something. Keep up the good work. This one's going to number one.

All the love! See y,ou soon!



June 3, 2002

Greetings children! Sorry I haven't written in a while. So, where did we leave off? Ah yes, coming home to our break. The last few days of our overseas tour were spent in Italy shooting "Music In High Places" for MTV and Direct TV. It aired last Friday and will rerun a lot. It really turned out great, I was proud of us boys. They shot it all on High definition windscreen cameras which weighed like a hundred pounds. You should have seen the camera men trying to chase us around on scooters and horse and buggy rides running all over cities like Florence and Sienna.

I never thought in a million years that we would show up in a remote little city like Sienna and be bombarded with fans! Throughout the three days we got to play a bunch of songs acoustic for hundreds of people in some of the most beautiful settings in the world. Unfortunately, by that time, the band and I were barely alive. We were all running on fumes the last day. Luckily we got to go back to my parent's place outside of Rome for the last locations. I guess they couldn't rent us scooters so they bribed some local kids to let us destroy theirs...Thanks guys! Man you should have seen us. All that pent up need for speed after two moths of driving nothing. Sean was doing peel outs, I was doing pop wheelies, and Billy kept jumping off and running along side his bike like Mission Impossible 2. If you didn't catch the show I strongly suggest getting your hands on it...They did an amazing job putting it together.As expected our short break was slowly getting eaten away at by more gigs. Literally 12 hours after we got home, Aaron and I and our ladies got invited to Skywalker Ranch for the premier of Star Wars! Even though I could barely stand up with exhaustion, how could I pass that up?! We flew yet again up to San Francisco and enjoyed the festivities. The movie was way better than the last piece of $%^#@ they called Star Wars. I'm sure you've all seen it by now. Carson and the TRL gang were there along with lots of celebrities. We got a tour of the offices. It was funny seeing where these people work, really hard conditions: A mansion on thousands of acres, vineyards, lagoons, deer prancing through the fields, not too shabby.

The following days I slept like the whole time trying to recuperate. We got to do Jay Leno again which was cool. We found out we were doing it at like the last minute, but that's how my life is. Aaron though it was a good time to debut his afro on national television...anyone see it? How could you miss that heed, it's like a watermelon on a toothpick. After he reads this he's going to cry himself to sleep on his big pillow (a little Mike Myers humor).

Anyway, the rest of our time off was good. Aaron and I saw lots of movies, spent time with our families and girlfriends while the rest of the band...played music? Sean sleeps spooning with his guitar mumbling "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. Well, maybe not, but you get the point.

Of course the last three days of my precious time off was spent sick as a dog with the flu. It's funny, it only really happens when my life slows down and I actually have the time to get sick. I spent most of my time at home driving all over doing errands and stuff always listening to the radio in the hopes I'll hear "Adrienne" for the first time on the radio. It went on and on for two weeks with nothing. I swear if I heard Venessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles" one more time I was going to puke (It's a great song the first 46,576 times). Finally, on the last day of the break, I was in the car going down into an underground parking lot listening to Star radio as usual when they said "Here's The Calling's new hit Adrienne"! I was all like Yah #$%*ers play it! But it started to break up cause I was going too far down and there were like 20 cars behind me in a line to park all honking their horns cause I couldn't turn around so I just stopped. "Go #$%^ head! What's your problem buddy!" I said "You don't understand, I have to listen to this song, this is important." One guy a few cars back screamed "f*ck your song!" Anyway to make a long story short I sat there for 4 minutes and 5 seconds making everyone behind me tune their radios to Star and listen to was a bonding experience.

The band and I packed our bags and embarked on yet another tour that started in Orlando Florida...Disneyland! Where the best ride is the ride home (just kidding, I love Disneyland). We played the Hard Rock and we were greeted back to this world with a great crowd full of you guys!

The next day was truly a once in a lifetime experience. We played Atlanta's Centennial park for 100,000 people. We were part of a great radio show with India Arie and John Mayer. I can't explain the rush and the feeling you get walking onto a stage with that many people staring back at you. I was just trying not to trip and fall on my face cause I almost did that the other day and now I'm going to have a complex. We just played a show with Alanis Morisette and she did the same so I don't feel as stupid. Tripping aside, her performance was incredible and I keep having to pinch myself and realize how amazing it is that we're playing shows with these huge bands. We did this Fox show that was called "Teenapalooza" or something. We met Craig David, he was really nice and just overhearing his vocal warm up you could tell how bad ass his singing was.

We got to hang with good old Regis and Kelly again on their show in New York. They actually let us play two songs which was a first for that show. They only let bands play 2 minutes and 30 seconds of their song which is a minute shorter than practically every song in history. So we were flattered. I think they even canned Rupert Everet's appearance to yap to us which was really sweet of them. We're playing a show at an all girls catholic school graduation hard my life is.

I heard the "Adrienne" video wasn't on TRL last Thursday. You guys have done a fantastic job so don't be down about it. Let's just keep up the good work and try and get it back on. I know I'll be calling.

The other day a fan named Shawna gave us an amazing collage of hundreds of pictures from our last US and over seas tour. An amazing gift that we will treasure forever. Thank you, all of you for all your love. Until next time.

Much love,

Alex and the gang

June 27, 2002

It's been too long! Sorry I haven't written in a million years, but man has sh*t been completely nuts.

Well, we all know Sean's gone, which is bizarre news... I'll get back to that later. I'm on a plane right now flying home from Paris, wondering... would they let you bring a parachute on board with you? I mean I know no knives, guns, etc. allowed, but, for some stupid reason, I would feel safer in a plane with a parachute in my carry-on. I mean, when was the last time that big pathetic life vest you blow through the little yellow tubes saved any lives in a plane crash? Granted if you jumped out of a plane falling a thousand miles an hour, you would probably be ripped apart by the pressure before you could even try to breathe the oxygen that isn't there or freeze to death first... But, couldn't you hold your breath until you've fallen to a level where there is air, then pull the rip cord just in time to safely land in the middle of the Atlantic and try not to get eaten by hammer head sharks and giant squid the size of oil tankers, while you doggie paddle your way back to good old America? Lots of time, lots of retarded thoughts. No matter how many times I've flown, there's still a sigh of relief and appreciation of life after you land.

Anyway, I just pretty much adjusted to the time change in Europe after a week and now I'm coming back home!

Wow... how scary do you look in the dead orange lighting of the airplane bathroom after sleeping on a fork and drinking to much complementary champagne?

So how did we get this point... Well, we last left off mid-radio tour in the States when things still felt oddly normal. There has definitely been some high highs and some low lows. Let's start with a high.

After some great radio shows and two sunny days off in Florida, it was the night before my 21st birthday and we were an hour away from going on in Miami. I was just warming up and doing all my pre-performance rituals when the radio station announces to me that Steven Tyler from Aerosmith is on his way in to our dressing room! Huh? To make a long story short he's a fan of our music and it was my birthday surprise. Aaron and the band knew about this all day and had rehearsed and learned "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith and we were going to perform it at the closing of the show with frickin' Steven Tyler... I was going to sing one of the coolest songs ever written, with one of my biggest idols ever, for 15 thousand people, in, like, less than thirty minutes!... FUCK! I have absolutely NO clue what any of the words are for that song! I mean I've heard it a million times, I've grown up with it... "Hey kiddie shmiddy... blah dah feet flying up in the air... me she's foolin... I knows you poolin? something something... Walk This Way!" I got that part! As my heart starts pounding I realize:

1) How am I going to learn all these words with no CD in, like, a few minutes.

2) What a complete moron I'm going to seem to him when I have to say... "I'm your biggest fan... this is amazing... I can't wait to sing it with you... heh heh heh, I don't know the words!"

Anyway, as the nervous sweat beaded off my palms, in walked Mr. Tyler. Immediately he took over the whole room and eased everyone's racing minds by being, seriously, one of the coolest, most down-to-earth people I've ever met. After we talked about lots and lots of stuff and I asked all the questions I've always wanted to know, I had to tell him I had a little problem.

He right away said "Hey man, you think I know the words to my songs? I have monitors at every show with all the songs so I can see them for myself!"

So, he wrote me a verse to sing with him and we both were casually glancing down at it taped to the stage by our feet. The performance was an incredible rush and he even sang a little Happy Birthday to me! This was by far the most amazing experience I will never forget. Thank you thank you thank you to Steven Tyler for liking our music and doing that for me and to Y100 FM for putting it all together. It made the stroke of midnight on what was now my 21st birthday really start off with a bang. So that's my little story about that.

The next day, on my actual birthday, we flew to Dallas, Texas to headline a big show. I got so many cool gifts from you guys around my Bday. I especially liked the collages, mini-Ferraris, and silly attempts to actually give money to the Ferrari fund! You guys are nuts! This one girl gave me a huge envelope full of E-mail's you all sent me with BDay wishes! I sat there for like two hours and read every one of them. Thank you guys! You're so sweet! That same girl even made a South Park drawing of the band which was so freaking hysterical!

The show was fun and the band stopped in the middle of "Could It Be Any Harder" to bring out a cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to me, which seems like a tradition in The Calling these days. :)

That night, before I passed out from exhaustion, Sean decided to completely, randomly announce his departure from our band and told us he was going to play with LifeHouse. This really came out of nowhere and I was shocked he told me on my Bday and shocked he was only giving us a week's notice. I will admit I was upset, but, like I wrote in that little letter I sent you guys, there are no bad vibes and we love Sean and we were really sad to see him go. I don't hold it against him in any way, it just makes my life harder.

To clear things up to you guys and Lifehouse fans: when I said that Lifehouse was a band I once respected, I meant that exactly how it sounded. What sort of people would offer and take a member of our band away from us to better themselves? Yes, it was Sean's decision to go, but there should never have been an offer in the first place. I like Jason, the rest of the guys, and their great music and I apologize if I offended anyone, but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. Also, contrary to what some of you might think, we are a band, just as much as Lifehouse, no different in structure... Yes, Aaron and I write the music, as does only two members from Lifehouse sometimes, but that doesn't stop us from being best friends, heading towards the same dreams and goals, completely unified. Our management does not control anything pertaining to the inner workings of this band, we do.

So the girl who calls herself "Emily" on our forum can chill out. You have no clue what you're talking about. Stop contaminating our FORUM! You are the weakest link, Good-bye! So, case closed, and we move on.

The rest of our little radio tour went off without a hitch and Sean was super-cool, finishing all our US shows with us. Even though we all knew what would happen in a few days, Sean and us were all professional and really enjoyed every minute until the end. His last show with us was in Modesto, California and we had a blast. You did good Sean.

My Grandfather passed away out of nowhere that same day, so it was a lot to handle. The words and emotions in our songs take on a lot of meaning when something like that happens and I know a lot of you have experienced the same. One of the greatest thing in my life is to hear of our fans' hardships and know they rose above them with the help of our music. With everything going on in the world right now and most of us living in fear of just leading our daily lives, I always take a second and realize how lucky we all are and we need to love everyday to it's fullest. Honestly I was a little scared going to Europe next, but I had my partners, my friends.

We left the next day as a foursome to conquer France, Spain and England on what was, luckily, what I like to call a full bullsh*t tour. Lots of talking, lots of photos, and lots of European TV shows that won't let you really play. So, we were able to pull it off just fine.

No Doubt was on our long flight over to Madrid. I'm such a pussy cause, literally the whole flight, I wanted to go up to Gwen and introduce myself, tell her what a big fan I am and how much we love their music. But no, I suck. I had, like, a thousand-and-one chances to do it, too. There goes my philosophy.

I've really been wanting to go to Spain for a long time, so it was exciting to be there even if it was only for two days. I like to go somewhere new and beautiful and try to win people over... It's a challenge and it's like starting over again in every new country we go to.

It was good to go back to London where we now had some great fans to support us. The head of our street team there in London and her friends were really nice and showed us support even at all the cheesy TV shows where we had to play along to a track. Nothing rock-and-roll about that. That's one thing I love about America... TV is a little more real with bands. What you see is what you get. But not in Europe. Billy likes to plug his bass directly into Aaron's guitar for those things, which adds a nice touch. And don't even ask what Nate's doing back there, secretly playing his double-kick drum patterns, Slayer-style, along to "Wherever You Will Go".

You know, what was really cool, was at "Top of The Pops," we got to see Robert Plant, lead singer of Led Zeppelin, perform some new songs. I've been a huge fan of Zeppelin since I was born and my Daddio used to blast it in the house. You could just hear the history of all the drugs and sex and drugs and drugs in his voice... Man, what an incredible life he's had. Aaron and I luckily got to play a few songs acoustically for Capitol radio there with some winners, too. The DJ kicks ass and, when he told me he had a new Ferrari, I was like, "you bitch!" So later on he gave me a model one that he signed "dreams." Thanks man!

It turned out the Sultan of Brunei (one of the richest men in the world) has a teenage son who's a fan of ours and had flown all the way from the little Island of Brunei to see our acoustic set (and to buy some clothes cause he's definitely into fashion, the way he was all dressed up "bad ass"). It was funny cause he rolled up in, like, a bullet proof Mercedes cars with at least five big bodyguards and had this whole royalty thing down like he was right from the movie "Coming To America" (if you've never seen it, rent it, Eddie Murphy at his best). But, he was a super cool guy. So if you read this, dude, thanks for coming so far to see us and I hope we can play for you and your sister some time with the whole band. Rock on!

It's really strange to think our song is playing literally everywhere now. I get such a kick out of seeing all the fans on this website from so many different places. Could this get any better?

So we did our work in good old England and headed over to Paris, France! In all the many times I have traveled to Italy and all over Europe growing up, I never got to see Paris. My grandfather, who, as I mentioned, just passed away, was born and raised there so it was really moving to see it now. I'm definitely in love. Hands down, for my taste, the most gorgeous city in the world, by far. We actually had a day off there but I was so burnt by then, I slept till 3 PM. I didn't want to experience Paris for the first time without my girlfriend (and she'd kill me if I did!), so I'm saving it. I did see a lot of the city while we were driving around all day doing press and that was enough for me to fall in love. Wow, and the food kicked serious ass! I got Billy and Nate to try caviar for the first time which was funny and I swear all we did was silently grunt in approval for hours at the dinners. I'm a big fan of the "Moulin Rouge" movie so it was weird to see the real thing as it is today. We even got to see a sex museum with some of the most twisted and surprisingly artful things dating from hundreds of years ago to the present.

Our hotel, as stunning as it was, was a little creepy cause we were right next to, literally attached to, the American Embassy. These days, with all the horrible bombings and hatred towards our country going on, I was a little hesitant staying there even though there were tons of cops in full-body armor patrolling the area and all the streets were closed off. God, if I hear about one more f*cking idiot ending his own life and killing tons of innocent people, I'm going to scream! What the hell is wrong with these people? I pray that things in Palestine and Israel can be changed for the better. We've got it pretty good in the USA.

So I'm here, still on the plane. I've watched the same crap movies like three times, choked on the dry roasted peanuts, spilled cranberry juice on myself and now I'm contemplating if gas masks are legal carry on. When I was a little kid, once on a flight to Europe with my family, I spilled milk, a lot of milk, all over myself. So my Mom said she'd hang up all my clothes and underwear in the airplane windows to dry. So I put a blanket over me and chilled there naked for the last few hours. As I fell asleep, a stewardess was coming by checking everyone for seat belts for landing and when she got to me she yanked my little blanket off to check. Aaah! That was a wake up I'll never forget.

So anyway, now it's home! Home is good for a change. Although our little break will be full of auditions and rehearsals, it will still be nice to go home. We're heading back overseas the first week of July for like three days and then I bet you can't guess what we're doing for the summer? Hmmm, maybe... touring some more! This time with a new teammate, a new song, and maybe a cover or two.

You guys keep it real for us. You're the driving force behind The Calling. Thanks for sitting through this pathetically long diary entry... Uh, I'm sick of myself by now. Go check out the teen choice awards website and vote for us! That would be so cool to win an award... I know who I'd thank first. ;)

Your Fearless Leader, Alex Band